醫院資訊系統是協助醫院專業人員執行醫療業務的一項利器。當醫院大量的投資相關資訊科技及發展應用系統,期望提昇醫療照護品質及管理效率之同時,對於系統效益評估之議題,也備受醫院高階主管之重視。然而依據醫療產業相關研究指出,資訊系統發展之投資相當複雜,效益評估耗時且成本高,評估之動機與目的差異性大,加上醫療專業需求之特性與使用者背景等因素影響,造成在評估上有相當程度之困難。因此學者建議因應之道是建構一個具理論基礎之評估模式與量表。本研究以醫院資訊系統為研究標的,透過廣泛資訊系統組織效益之文獻查證,並以組織活動為核心理論基礎,發展一含43項效益指標之量表。以醫學中心之管理者為研究對象進行問卷調查。共回收278份問卷,有效回收率61%。資料分析主要透過描述性統計、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析進行模式之驗證與量表之信效度檢測。本研究結果以整體模式配適度之契合度指標進行研究模式驗證,整體模式之配適度考驗與量表信效度之檢定結果均達標準。醫院資訊系統之組織效益共包含交易、資訊、策略與基礎性效益四個效益構面21項指標,其中交易性效益可細分成本控制、資料安全和隱私兩個因子。策略性效益可細分為競爭優勢、醫療品質和病人安全兩個因子。透過本研究所建構之醫院資訊系統組織效益衡量之模式與量表,可提供醫院高階主管一個具體且清楚之工具來評估投資效益。 Hospital Information Systems (HIS) is a greatly helpful method for hospital staff working on hospital business. The reasons why the hospital takes so much time and money to develop the information technology and operation system are in order to upgrade the quality of medical care system and to improve its management efficiency. Besides, some medical research indicates that the investment of IT development is extremely complicated, effectiveness evaluation takes time and money and it makes much difference to evaluation and motivation. What makes the evaluation more difficult is that the difference between the medical professions and the users’ background. Therefore, at this point, specialists and scholars suggest that to construct the conceptual model and development of measurement scale is the only way to solve these problems. The proposed conceptual model and an appropriate instrument are also empirically validated by data collected by the questionnaire survey of the medical center administers. Of these, a total of 278 valid questionnaires were collected, which was a response of 61%. From the results of descriptive statistics, CFA and EFA, it indicates that the organizational benefits of adopting HIS can be measured in terms of four critical dimensions: transactional, informational, strategic, and infrastructure. The four dimensions include 21 items. Transactional Benefits dimension include two factors: costs control, and security & confidentiality. Strategic Benefits dimension involves two factors of competitive advantage, and medical quality & patient safety. The proposed model and measurement instrument are able to provide a clear road map for hospital administrators to understand the organizational benefits of HIS and measure these effects, which are so important for them to know before making an investment decision.