在臨床的應用上,常需要針對臨床醫師的需求量身打造特殊的軟體。但使用一般的軟體開發工具(software development kit, SDK)往往需要相當程度的程式設計能力,這對大多數的臨床醫師而言的確是一個浩大的工程。本研究的目的是希望利用一些免費的SDK提供一個能迅速開發醫療影像處理軟體的方法,如此便無須花費太多建置成本,以致於臨床醫師能快速上手,打造符合自己需求的應用軟體。
Medical Imaging Toolkit (MITK)是一種免費軟體的SDK,它整合了Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK)的影像處理功能及Visualization Toolkit (VTK)的資料視覺化功能。更重要的是MITK結合了微軟基礎類別庫(Microsoft Foundation Classes, MFC),可在微軟(Microsoft)的作業系統下開發具有MITK功能的視窗應用程式。因此,本研究探討如何快速且方便的以MITK開發工具,在MFC程式架構下建構出符合客製化要求的應用程式。同時,本研究以髖關節影像登錄為例,做為建構一個較複雜系統的說明。 On the clinical application, it usually needs special designed software for clinicians. For the most of clinicians, it is a tough job to use the software development kit (SDK) to develop application software, which needs a great of programming capacity. Therefore, the goal of our research is to provide a method based on the SDK to develop medical image processing applications rapidly and cheaply so that the clinicians can develop the desired software themselves easily.
Medical Imaging Toolkit (MITK) is a freeware, and integrates the functions of the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) and the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). Of more important, MITK is combined with Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), and is used to develop Microsoft windows applications under Microsoft operating system. Thus, our research investigates how to develop customized application software based on MITK development toolkit under the MFC framework rapidly and conveniently, and uses the pelvic image registration system to illustrate how to develop a complex system.