本研究主要目的為以Bhattacherjee和Premkumar(2004)研究結果為基礎,並以信任關係加以擴充,以探討那些因素會影響藥物辨識系統持續使用之意願,以及這些因素間隨著使用經驗的累積,各因素影響效果的改變。主要研究對象為國內南部某大學的進修部及碩士在職專班學生,資料搜集主要採問卷調查法進行,並針對受測對象施測兩次,統計方法採結構化方程模式,並以SmartPLS 2.0作為主要統計分析工具。
本研究所提出的13項假說,其中有10項假說獲得正向且顯著的支持。結果發現,認知有用(使用後)、態度(使用後)及信任皆會影響使用者持續使用藥物辨識系統的持續使用意願,並且對持續使用意願的整體解釋變異量可達62%。因此本研究不僅提供一個理論模型來瞭解並解釋影響藥物辨識系統使用者對於系統持續使用之相關因素間彼此的關係以及關係之強度,透過相關因素的瞭解將有助於提高使用者持續使用藥物辨識系統的意願,以發揮此系統之預期成效。此外,本研究的進行也可減少理論與實務界對於資訊系統持續使用議題之認知差距,相關研究結果更有助於形成有效發展資訊系統之策略與作法。 The purpose of this study is to explore the critical factors affecting the continuance of drug identification system based on an extended IS continuance model which is mainly coming from previous results of Bhattacherjee and Premkumar(2004) and the concept of trust. The survey methodology was deployed with the subjects being the undergraduate students of the night program and on-the-job graduate student of a southern school in Taiwan. A two-stage data collection procedure was conducted and the collected data was analyzed using the structural equation model technique with SmartPLS 2.0 software.
Ten out of the thirteen hypotheses have positive and significant effect proved in this study. Our study found that perceived usefulness (usage stage), attitude (usage stage) and trust are key factors affecting user’s continued intention toward drug identification system usage. Those factors can account for 62% total explained variance on drug identification system continuance. Therefore, this study does not only provide a theoretical model to understand and explain the impact of the users' intention toward drug identification system continuance, but also demonstrate relative extent of those investigated factors on the dependent variables. Through the rigorous procedures, the results of this study are useful for understanding key factors affecting system continuance and thus improving the efficacy of the drug identification system usage. In addition, this study can also help to diminish the gaps between practitioners and academics toward IS continuance and to formulate effective strategies for IS development.