隨著消費者意識高漲,其對服務品質的重視已蔓延至醫療服務產業。甚至由於政府政策的壓力與醫療產業的高度競爭,使得如何改善醫療服務品質、提高病患滿意度、滿足病患的需求、建立與病患的互動,進而讓醫院能永續的經營下去,變成目前ㄧ個主要的研究議題。本研究主要目的在探討病患對於不同等級醫院滿意度模式之差異,研究模式參酌ACSI(American Customer Satisfaction Index)模式與鍾宜芳2007年之研究,其中包含知覺感受服務品質、知覺期望服務品質、知覺價值、病患滿意度、抱怨處理、病患忠誠度等六個潛在變項,以南部地區某公立醫學中心及私立區域醫院之病患為研究對象,資料以因素分析和結構方程模式(SEM)等方法來分析,並以適配度指標來進行模式驗證,研究結果顯示公立醫學中心病患之知覺價值對於病患滿意度未達顯著效果,因此醫學中心更應努力改善服務品質,以提高病人滿意度。未來應持續進行不同等級醫院之研究,藉以找出合理顯著差異性,以提出有效的改善建議。 Along with the rising of consumerism, the focus on service quality has proliferated to the medical service industry. Because of the pressure from government policies and strong competition in the medical care industry how to improve the quality of medical services in order to match the patients’ the needs and to improve satisfaction of the patients have become major research issues, how to establish interactivity with the patients, and how to ensure sustainable development of the hospitals into subjects of focus in academic society. This research aims to explore the differences in the patients’ satisfaction towards different-scaled hospitals. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) and six potential variables including perceived service quality, perceived expectation for service quality, perceived value, patient satisfaction, handling of complaints, and patient loyalty from Zhong Yi-Fang’s research published in 2007. Research subjects were sampled from patients of a public medical center and a private regional hospital in Southern Taiwan.We adapt the method of structural equation model (SEM) to analyze these data. The results of this research indicate that patients in public medical center did not significant level of perceived value towards the factor of patient satisfaction. The medical center should pay more efforts to improve the service quality in order to increase the satisfaction of patients. Further studies should include more different-scaled and regional hospitals in order to make more sustainable suggestions by signifying the differences.