觀光醫療已在國外推行多年,國內近年來亦將此列入未來發展方向。由國內外觀光醫療相關文獻觀之,更需量化研究以建立客觀衡量模式,本研究旨在探討國內外目前實施觀光醫療之醫療院所現況;發展台灣觀光醫療產業競爭力的架構與關鍵因素;建立觀光醫療產業競爭力各因素的影響力及重要性;建構台灣發展觀光醫療評選模型及評估可行方案;以及提出對台灣觀光醫療產業、政府部門與後續研究等相關建議。本研究先由文獻歸納出台灣發展觀光醫療競爭力評選因素,再利用分析網絡程序法建立台灣發展觀光醫療競爭力評選模型,最後計算各準則及次準則之優先權重及排序選擇方案之優先順序。研究結果顯示「政府」、「機會」、「企業的競爭與策略」三項準則最具重要性,而次準則權重以「政府協助及支持」、「觀光醫療政策及法律制度」、「行銷策略」三項最具重要性,發展觀光醫療最佳醫療項目依次為「整形手術」、「牙科」與「健康檢查」。本研究結論為:政府的協助與支持是台灣發展觀光醫療最重要之因素。除此之外,相關企業的競爭型態及行銷策略亦為重要,最佳方案可選擇療程較短的整形手術、牙科及健康檢查為主。 Medical Tourism has been implemented in many countries for many years. In recent years, it has been included in the future direction of development in Taiwan. After reviewing the literature, it is necessary to establish an objective measure of medical tourism by quantitative research. This study tries to explore the current implementation of domestic and international medical tourism status, to develop the competitive factors of Taiwan's medical tourism industry, to establish the importance and impacts of those factors and also suggest the priority medical services for medical tourism. It is expected to provide some references for the government and future studies.This study initially concludes the competitive factors of Taiwan's development of medical tourism by literature, and than uses Analytic Network Process (ANP) to construct an evaluation model of developing medical tourism by proposing the criteria and sub-criteria of the competitive factors. The results show that the "government","opportunity" and "business strategy" are the most important criteria, while the sub-criteria show the emphasis on "government assistance and support","medical tourism policy and the legal system" and "marketing strategy".The priority medical services in developing medical tourism projects are "plastic surgery","dentistry" and "health examinations".
The study concludes that: the government's assistance and support is the important competitive factor of developing medical tourism in Taiwan. Business competition type, and marketing strategies are also important fators of developing medical tourism. In addition, it is suggested to develop the short course medical services, such as plastic surgery treatment, dentistry and health examinations.