研究結果顯示,參與環保署執行計畫次數多寡與居民對社區環境品質滿意度及社區凝聚力成正向趨勢的關係;而在推動社區環境改造過程中不論參與計畫次數的多寡,在進行環境改造過程中,社區遇到最大的困難為經費不足、民眾參與意願不足;惟參與經驗越豐富的社區,認為民眾參與意願不足的比例越高。社區發展過程的過程中,政府部門的支持是只要動力來源。社區彼此經驗交流與社區、政府及專家三者建立良好互動關係,將讓社區在符合大家期望下順利發展。 The economic growth combined with the urbanization in Taiwan has caused various environmental problems, inadequate facilities and other public issues. Those problems have a direct impact on regional development. In recent years, different governmental sectors have engaged themselves in community empowerment. The environmental reforms of community (ERC) initiated by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has improved community cohesion and sense of public participation. The aim of this study is to assess the ERC implemented by Fuqiang, Zhongxiao, Chongsin, and Dazhi Villages of East District, Tainan City. Both questionnaire and depth interview were conducted to reflect the performance of and the environmental demand of local people.
Based on the results of this research, a positive relationship between the number of implementing and the environmental satisfaction and community cohesion was found. Nonetheless, according to the experiences in implementating ERC, the main difficulties encountered were deficiency in budget and lack of public participation. A reverse relationship between ERC experience and public participation was observed. The result also indicated government support was the main momentum for the community empowerment. Decent interactions between Community, government and experts were the important subjects for sustainable development