摘要: | 本研究為探討台灣地區行駛中四行程機車實車使用酒精汽油之適用情況,針對不同比例乙醇,分別以未添加及添加10%及30%體積比於台灣現有兩公司(T公司、F公司)市售九五無鉛汽油中(E10、E30)做為基本實驗用燃料。以四行程機車,在不同行駛速度:怠速惰轉、30及50km/hr操作條件下,針對每種燃料油之引擎排放傳統性污染物CO、HC及CO2進行採樣分析。
關鍵字:酒精汽油、怠速、汽油引擎、乙醇 Abstract
This study was aimed to access the generation or depletion of air pollutants including carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide emitted from the exhaust of 4-stroke motor engine simulating idling, 30 and 50 km/hr, respectively, cruising speed conditions. The commercial 95-LFG were purchased and obtained from two petroleum companies, CPC and Formosa, in Taiwan. Alcohol, the purity higher than 99.5%, was used as fuel additive blended with two target gasolines in 10, 30% vol. to test in this study.
The results of those data reveal that the emission concentration of CO, HC and CO2 of commercial 95-LFG fuels all are higher than with blending alcohol fuels. Among different blending gasolines, the exhausts of CO average concentration of T95-E30 and F95-E30 (0.35% and 0.78%, respectively) have much lower emission potentials. Adding more alcohol in commercial 95-LFG will increase the combustion efficiency in single spark motor engine.
In compare with the CO concentration emitted from these target fuels blending with cruising speeds. Higher cruising speed, T95-E30 and F95-E30 all will reduce more CO under 50 km/hr than 30 km/hr. However, even adding more alcohol in commercial 95-LFG still have more CO emission potential under idling condition.
Keyword: alcohol, idling, single spark motor engine. |