研究結果顯示,57.8%受訪者對於綠色生活網的使用持正向觀感滿意度,主要原因為綠色生活網可提供多元化的環境保護資訊,而受訪者高比例社區領導人之特殊屬性亦可能影響此項問卷結果;超過八成受訪者認同使用綠色生活網有助於社區環境改造工作的推動,多數居民認同綠色生活網的優點為扮演社區與政府的溝通橋樑與社造經驗交流分享平台,其缺點則依序為操作介面複雜困難、有違節能減碳原則與字體太小,此與受訪者高齡化及社區領導人的屬性有關。在進階分析中顯示,所擬綠色生活網四項優點皆獲得社區領導人相同比例的認可,社造經驗交流分享與溝通橋梁則為非社區領導人主要認同的選項;在提升綠色生活網使用率的方面,社區領導人皆認同公開表揚社區與納入下年度計畫申請方式,而非社區領導人則認同贈送環保贈品及增加網站多元性的方式。深度訪談受訪者廖秘書長認同綠色生活網重要性,但亦指出操作介面的複雜為其主要缺點。 In response to the trend of the electronic information, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has introduced the EcoLife Web site network system from 2009. The EcoLife system inspired residents' responsibilities to concern their community environment by means of multiple mobilizations to gather information regarding environmental reform. The main purpose of this study is to access the current situation and difficulties encountered from the user’s point of view by both questionnaires and deep interview.
The results showed that the 57.8 percent of respondents were satisfied with EcoLife. Over 80 percent of respondents agreed that EcoLife promoted the Environmental reforms of community. The advantages of EcoLife mostly recognized were the communication bridge and experience sharing platform. The disadvantages were mostly recognized as the complicated user interface, violation of reducing carbon and small typeface. Four proposed advantages were generally recognized by community leaders. Contrarily, experience sharing platform and communication bridge were mostly recognized by non-community leaders. In view of promoting the EcoLife, community leaders recognized the public recognition and application for next year while non-community leaders regarded green gifts and ways to increase web site diversity. Secretary-General Liao recognized the importance of green living network, but also pointed out that the complex interface is the main drawback.