單一面向研究結果顯示,先天優質的自然環境與後天環境維護的努力為環境品質最高滿意度的主因,而觀光發展的最低滿意度則是因為其對環境的負面衝擊。多面向交互影響分析結果顯示,與觀光發展相關之正向觀感認同度皆呈現較低的趨勢,再次確認民眾對觀光發展造成環境負面效應的憂心。多元化面向交叉分析所呈現的正向觀感滿意度皆高於單一面向,說明三面向彼此間具有互利且放大之關連性。而遊客造訪華山社區的主要原因在於當地的生態環境,遊客再次造訪華山社區的意願持正向觀感達86%。 Taiwan government has actively assisted in the community empowerment in recent years. Agricultural communities were transformed into diverse development communities through community empowerment. Communities are focused on its own characteristics including ecological environment, tourist development and economic development. The successful case of Huashan community in Yunlin County is systematically investigated in terms of environmental quality, economic development and tourist development. The research methodology is carried out by both questionnaire and interview. The results of single and mutual aspects of three important factors are analyzed, eventually
Concerning the positive satisfaction of single factor, the highest satisfaction is environmental quality due to the natural environment and subsequent management. On the contrary, tourist development shows the lowest satisfaction because of environmental impacts resulted from tourist development. In terms of the mutual interaction between three factors, tourist development related aspects seem to be relatively lower recognition due to the environmental impacts mentioned above. The satisfaction of mutual factors is generally higher than single one. It indicates community empowerment is generally regarded as a diverse organization. Tourists are impressed by environmental quality and showed highly recognized intention. Furthermore, eighty-six percent of tourists are willing to revisit Huashan community.