摘要: | 本研究利用生物擔體-好氧MBR系統以處理垃圾滲出水,於固定水力停留時間 (HRT) 48小時及固定污泥停留時間 (SRT) 50天條件下,以不同之迴流比探討各項水質參數之處理效果。
研究期間檢測各項進流、缺氧槽、MBR、出流水質參數之變化,檢驗項目包括溫度、pH、溶氧、濁度、色度、鹼度、總溶解性固體物 (TDS)、懸浮固體物、揮發性固體物、化學需氧量 (COD)、總有機碳、總凱氏氮 (TKN)、氨氮、有機氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、硝酸鹽氮。
第一階段,經本系統處理後顯示,COD、總有機碳、TKN、有機氮、氨氮、總氮及總磷,其去除率分別為,32 %、28 %、65 %、70 %、 69 %、32%及55 %,對於COD與總氮去除率較不佳。第二階段,研究結果顯示,COD、總有機碳、TKN、有機氮、氨氮、總氮及總磷,其去除率分別為,60 %、61 %、74 %、73 %、82 %、42 % 及66 %,對於COD與總氮去除效率有明顯提升。第三階段,研究結果顯示,COD、總有機碳、TKN、有機氮、氨氮、總氮及總磷,其去除率分別為,75 %、72 %、84 %、77 %、99 %、 70 % 及34 %,對於氨氮有極佳的去除率,但對總磷的去除效率有減少的趨勢。
在各階段經系統處理後的濁度可達99.8 %,對總磷的去除不穩定。且於實驗試程第二階段的後期,添加碳源 (糖蜜),結果發現額外添加有機碳源可增加脫硝作用的效率,使得硝酸鹽氮有明顯的去除效果,去除效率可以達到99%。 The combined membrane bioreactor was conducted by using leachate wastewater. The system was operated with HRT equal to 48 hours and SRT equal to 50 day. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of recirculation rate to membrane performance. The experiment was separated into three phases. The first phase was operated without anoxic reactor. The second phase, anoxic tank was applied into the system with 1Q recirculation rate. The third phase, the recirculation was changed from 1 Q to 2Q.
At the first stage, the results showed that the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), organic nitrogen (Org-N) , ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) was 32 %, 28 %, 65 %, 70 %, 69 %, 32% and 55.2% respectively. The COD and TN removal efficiency were very poor.
At the second stage, the result showed that the removal efficiency of COD, TOC, TKN, Org-N, NH4+-N, TN and TP was 60 %, 61 %, 74 %, 73 %, 82 %, 42 % and 66 % respectively for the COD and TN removal efficiency improved significantly.
Finally, the third stage, the result showed that the removal efficiency of COD, TOC, TKN, Org-N, NH4+-N, TN and TP was 75 %, 72 %, 84 %, 77 %, 99 %, 70 % and 34 % respectively. There was excellent for removal of ammonia. At the third stage, the reactor showed the removal of 99.8% turbidity and the total removal efficiency of phosphorus removal was instability. And the second stage, the system was operated with the organic carbon source (molasses), and found that the addition of organic carbon sources can be improved denitrification removal efficiency, and the level of ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency significantly increased up to 99 %. |