研究結果顯示垃圾低位發熱量高低與進料垃圾濕基物理組成中皮革橡膠含量多寡關係最為密切,其次為塑膠、纖維布、紙類、廚餘類、木竹類及其他類,且進料垃圾濕基物理組成推導之經驗公式判定係數R2最高=0.962,顯示本研究所推導之推估低位發熱量經驗公式為合宜的統計推估模式。另本研究亦針對台灣地區不同區域焚化廠進料垃圾進行差異性比對,其成果可提供各焚化廠預判其進料垃圾之低位發熱量,據以調整焚化廠之操作條件。 The study employed multiple linear regression analysis to establish an empirically equation based on physical combustible components for the prediction of the lower heating value (LHV) in the inlet municipal solid waste (MSW) of various incineratiors in Taiwan. The MSW samples were gathered from 7 incinerators located in the north, middle, and south parts in Taiwan from 2004 to 2007. In the multiple linear regression, the lower heating value was used as dependent, while the wet-based physically combustible components of the solid waste such as paper, fiber & cloth, wood, kitchen waste, plastics, leather and miscellaneous were used as independents. The feasibility of the equation in this model is also evaluated in the present work.
The result shows that the LHV most closely correlate with the quantity of leather. The next related component included plastics, fiber & cloth, paper, kitchen waste, wood and miscellaneous. The coefficient of determination R2 is =0.962, which indicates that the equation is a suitable statistical estimation model. Aiming at contrasting different MSW from different areas in Taiwan, the model can be used to estimate the quality of the LHV of the MSW in different areas, which is of great help to adjust the operating conditions of the incinerators.