醫療機構人員工作步調緊湊,精神壓力大,若不懂得適當的調配生活與休閒,容易在職業倦怠下身心耗竭。故本研究以台南地區醫療機構人員為研究對象,旨在探討溫泉休閒態度與健康促進生活型態之情形。以問卷為資料收集之工具,有效問卷共344 份,所得資料經敘述性統計分析、因素分析、獨立樣本 T 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson’s相關分析、多元同時迴歸分析後,得如下結果:
當醫療機構人員健康促進生活型態愈佳者,其溫泉休閒態度也愈佳,尤以每年參與溫泉休閒活動 6 次以上、每次溫泉浸泡的時間在30 分鐘以內者,對溫泉休閒的身心感受與主動參與最強。 This study used medical staff as subjects, and focused on exploring the relationship between hot springs recreational attitude and health promotion lifestyle. This study used questionnaires for data collection, and retrieved effective 344 questionnaires.
The results of analysis are as follows: The Medical Staff with different background variables toward health promotion lifestyle have significant differences in gender, age, marital status, educational levels, number of children, job class, participating in the number of hot springs recreational activities in recently one year and spending on soaking in hot spring each time except job category.
When the Medical Staff have better health promotion lifestyle, they also have better hot springs recreational attitude. In particular, people who participate in hot springs recreational activities each year for more than six times and spend on soaking in hot springs for 30 minutes have the strongest physical and psychological feelings and active participation.