摘要: | 本研究主要係透過遊客問卷調查,分析政府單位舉辦溫泉美食嘉年華之參與者認知與滿意度,結合當地溫泉業者推出優惠方案與政府單位籌畫之活動內容是否能提升遊客重遊意願。研究範圍選取屏東縣車城鄉四重溪溫泉區作為探討範圍,以半封閉式之設計方式,進行遊客之旅遊特性、政策認知及對體驗滿意度與重遊意願程度之調查,問卷採面訪方式針對到四重溪溫泉區泡湯的遊客以及當地業者與居民進行調查。受訪者在體驗四重溪溫泉區後填寫調查問卷,回收之有效問卷以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,調查分析結果發現:
本研究進一步探討不同遊客屬性對溫泉美食嘉年華政策認知態度,根據問卷調查結果,當地居民與業者較瞭解活動辦理的內容,遊客對於活動認知並不高;在媒體宣傳時程也太短,規劃的活動內容太粗糙也不太能吸引遊客前往參加,因此建議政府單位在策劃活動內容時應再多方慎重考量,藉此提供給政府單位及溫泉業者作為辦理活動行銷訴求對象的區隔;溫泉會館內的環境品質與設備也須評估更新,提升遊客的泡湯品質,增加遊客停留時間,提高顧客之重遊率;四重溪溫泉區可結合導覽旅遊設計,使得遊客經由導覽解說員的帶領方式可獲得更深入的旅遊體驗,搭配解說員導覽解說並附有環境教育的功能,以達成實質環境的永續發展,並回饋當地社區。 This research mainly analyzed the participators’ knowing and satisfactory to the spring carnival which holded by the government through the questionnaire, combined the contractors’ preferential plan and activities maked by the government to promote the retraveled volition of tourist.
The researching scope is around the checheng township’s shijhongsi hotsprings area in pingtung, tourists would be vestigated with the half-closed mode, knowing the tourists’ characteristic, understanding for the government’s policy, the evaluation for the hotsprings area.
All the vestigation would be proceed face to face with the tourists , the local shop, and the residents. The retrieved questionaires would be analyzed by portrayal statistics, the factor analyzing, the variation analyzing of the single factor,etc…From the retrieved questionaires,
finally it brings something below:
The first point testers emphasized that the activities must combined with the local industry and the culture, connected the local natural resources, the culture resources, the delicacies and the hotsprings.
The second point would be raising the popularity of the shijhongsi hotsprings area, promoting the local output value, publicizing the uniqueness of the shijhongsi hotsprings area, guiding the residents’ identification of their hometown, and the importance of the hotsprings area through the activities.
At the same time, collocating some suitable propagations and activities, to promote the contents and the supporting to the government’s policy for the tourists, the local shop, (including the local residents).
What this research explore from the result in the questionnaires for the hotspring carnival hope to provide opinions to the governments and the hotsprings companies on those saled objects, moreover propose the propositions to the governments for holding activities about hotsprings and tourism in the future |