醫護藥專科學校依專業特性可分為藥學科組、醫技科組(包括醫管、醫技、牙技、檢驗、放射技術)、護理科組、及衛生科組(包括工業安全衛生、應用化學、食品營養、環境工程、公害防治)等四大類。物理課程依各學校需求而安排在一年級或二年級上下學期。每星期上課時數在藥學科組及衛生科組均為3小時,護理科組為2小時,醫技科組為2或3小時,物理教師之編組有的為共同科有的附屬某些科系,醫護藥專校之物理課程教材大綱多採用五年制工專物理課程教材或稍加修改而已,至於合適與否,尚少有加以探討改進,然而醫護藥領域中儀器之操作基本原理,生理學或人體工學之基本理論均由物理理論推導,因此,制定配合醫護藥專校所需求之物理教材大綱是相當迫切的課題,由於所有科學課程中又以物理與數學之關係最密切,因此要提升物理教學之品質,則有賴於學生數學能力之加強,由文獻(1)發現專科物理教師在教學上遭遇到的困擾中,學生數學能力不足達41.2%,可見兩者之互倚性。又大專基礎科學課程改進研究規劃報告—普通物理(2)更明確指出普通物理及普通物理實驗教材與學生數學能力配合之研究在專科學校應予優先推動之研究重點,此廚本研究之為本研究之主要動機之一。 The prupose of this study was to investigate the match of general physical contents with uatbematical ability of the students in junior college of medicine and nursing. We expected to povide better opinions for our successors while recompiling outline of general physics coruse. Firstly, we investigated the outline and teaching schedule of physics and mathematics coruses in 7 different junior colleges of medicine and nursing in Taiwan. Furthermore, teachers inquiry form ccncerning the defects on teaching envlronment in physics were distributed to physics and mathematics teachers. Tests on mathematics and physics were conducted for students in 21 classes, which were selected at random. The statistical methods used for teachers inquiry forms inluded ANOVA, analysis of frequency, non-parametric analysis, and chi-squared test. The difterence among departmens were reviewed by ANOVA for students test. and we were also trying to set up the relationship between physics and mathematics by conelation and stepwise regression analyses.