本研究是以休閒生活型態(運動之次數、運動之時段、資訊來源)為變項,探討網球運動消費群之型態,其主要目的為了解網球運動消費群在休閒生活型態上之情形,及探討這些變項與消費者背景之差異情形。分析結果,網球運動消費者在資訊來源方面,以"以往打球之經驗、親友介紹"二者訊息來作球埸之選擇居多,且皆偏向於早上的時段,打球次數平均每月皆9次以上,顯示民眾在網球運動上還滿喜歡。故以此調查研究以暸解消費者在休閒生活型態上的行為目標。 The present paper will show the behavior of the participants of the tennis sports in the leisure time with the variables of the source of the information, the time for playing, and the frequency of playing. The relation between these variables and the consumer will be also shown. The analydcal results are as follows: the main soruces of the information for the participants are their own experiences and the introduction from relatives or friends; the playing time is almost in the morning; on average they play tennis more than nine times per month. This shows that the tennis sport is popular in Tainan.