宮廷蹴鞠(足球)活動是引領中國古代足球發展的風向球,文史資料不僅出現在各朝各代,為中國古代蹴鞠留下了很多的實證。然而,留給我們現代人還是一知半解的疑惑,本研究以古代蹴鞠為研究主題與背景探究中國古代蹴鞠不同年代之發展與影響承現宮廷與民間文化特徵,探討古代的蹴鞠活動與中國古代宮廷蹴鞠運動是如何展開、因應宮廷中特有的環境文化,蹴鞠運動也從其創造獨具的文化特色,範圍涉及帝王、皇室與中央朝廷,其內容大體包括宮室的鞠場建築、宮廷禮儀典章制度等。因此本文借由歷史文獻研究方法,探討歷代宮廷特有的蹴鞠文化、宮廷球戲的演變、宮廷蹴鞠興盛下的特殊產物相關文獻,並定以綜一論述中國古代宮廷蹴鞠的特徵,以供後續研究參考。 The court football played a key role of developing football in the ancient China. Because there was the unique environment of court in ancient dynasties, football had its specific features, which involved empires and royal household to affect buildings and rules in the dynasties. By literature research method, this paper is to explore the specific culture of football and the development of ball games of the court in the ancient dynasties in China, It is to investigate the development of football in the
ancient China by the literature research method. This article attempts to explore the development of football in the gentry and elite classes, the people of lower social class, First, there were two football cultures, upper and lower classes, in football game for people of the lower social class. Second, the competitive feature, rather
than entertainment, of football was trained in military and marshal art that kept the development of football on competition. The findings will enhance the understanding of the development of football in the ancient China.