日治時期,臺灣人歡提升社會階層地位,其重要途徑之一就是接受更高等的教育。然而,在殖民教育體制之下,總督府當局本乎種族歧視、差別待遇之原則,建立臺日族群之間不相對等的教育結構,限制並壓抑臺灣人升學就學,同時維護日本人教育權利一向是殖民教育的本質。臺籍學生必須面對層層的入學競爭考驗,通過益趨狹窄的升學關卡,方能獲致向上流動之機會。族群不對等的教育結構係透過入學機制,達成排擠臺灣人、保障日本人之目的。而入學機制亦藉由人為操控之臺人入學比率限制規定,建構臺籍學生難以突破克服的一道升學窄門。本文以臺南高等工業學校為中心,探討日治時期臺籍學生入學窄門在歷史上形成之過程,並解析入學機制所蘊含的要素;同時,針對因少數臺人就學而衍生之校園文化,考察其族群意識與人際關係之具體樣貌。 During the Japanese colonial era, the way for Taiwanese to climb up the social ladder was through acquiring higher education. However, the colonial education system was founded on racial discrimination rather than equality. The colonial government restricted admissions of Taiwanese to higher education to the minimum in order to protect the educational privileges of the Japanese. Thus, Taiwanese students faced competitive entrance examinations to college for advancing their social status. Through manipulating the admission mechanism, the Japanese deprived the Taiwanese of higher education opportunities. With reference to the unique campus culture among the minority Taiwanese students on the campus of Tainan Technical College, this study explored the historical development of college admissions of Taiwanese students, analyzed the college admission mechanism in Japanese colonial Taiwan, and examined the relationship between ethnic consciousness and human relationship.