本文討論醫療支出及因疾病而引起的工作流失率。二者之變動原因及其結果。家庭所得是影響醫療消費支出增加之原因。因疾病而引起的工作流失率與家庭所得有正向關係,而與工資率有反向關係,因此工作流失率並不是衡量健康狀態惡化的一個指標。 The purpose of this paper fas discuss the medical expenditure and work loss rate caused by illness in Tainan. We found that the family income was the major ason for increasing medical expenditures. The work loss rate have positive conelatiozI witl逢m_ily income and nqgative corre-ttion with wage rate, so it is suggested that the work loss rate can not tell us any inforformation about the correlation of a person,s health condition.