本研究主體是探討在脂肪醇與丙二醇混合基劑軟膏中,添加鯨蠟醇對主成分藥物經皮吸收的影響。體外實驗是採用C-100纖維素半透膜及兔子的全皮進行ketoprofen釋出與對皮膚之穿透試驗,並選用兔子從事體內實驗。結果指出,ketoprofen的藥物釋出動力學可以Higuchi的溶液型模式來解析,硬脂醇以鯨蠟醇部份取代,對藥物釋出速率的影響並不顯著;再則,ketoprofen之兔皮穿透速率以及血中濃度是隨著處方中,鯨蠟醇含量增加而下降。綜合言之,體外與體內實驗二者間存在著良好的相關性;本研究之體外透皮實驗結果可作為脂肪醇與丙二醇混合基劑軟膏經皮膚吸收處方預先篩選的依據。 The objective of present study is to investigate the effect of cetyl alcohol which was present in FAPG bases on the transdermal absorption of ketoprofen. The release and percutaneous Pe-netration kinetics of the drug from FAPG ointments were evaluated in vitro, using C-100 cel-lulose membrance and full-thickness rabbit skin.In vivo experiments were also examined in ra-bbits. The results confirm that the release of ketoprofen was interpreted by the Higuchi model of solution type. No sgnificant alteration of release rate was observed in partial substituting stearyl alcohol with cetyl alcohol. In addition, the penetration rate and the rabbit serum concentration of ketoprofen decreased proportionally when increasing amounts of cetyl alcohol were present in the formulation. It is concluded I th.at good correlation was found between in vitro and in vivo experiments. In vitro experiments are particularly helpful in the studies of ketoprofen in vivo and the bioavailability analysis of the resultant data.