本研究主要的在在瞭解台北市衛生所公共衛生護理人員對於推展檢康促進活動的意願以及教育需求情形。所得結果顯示:(一)護理人員對推展健康促進活動多表達了正向意願,其中以教育諮商意願最高,次為研究評估意願,再次為組織協調意願。並有64.8%護理人員認為自己將會在護理工作中推展有關健康促進活動。(二)推展健康促進活動的意願因年齡、教育民眾經驗之不同而有顯著的差異。在年齡方面,35歲以下組其推展健康促進活動的意願,顯著高於45歲以上組。在教育民眾經驗方面,有教育民眾經驗者在推展健康促進活動的意願上,顯著高於無教育民眾經驗者。(三)在推展健康促進活動的教育需求上,有95.2%的護理人員表示願意參加在職進修研習,其中以壓力調適及健康體能兩項參加意願最高。至於研習方式,則以專家演講較受歡迎。 The purpose of this study is to understand the intention and educational demand of public health nurses in Taipei to health promotion.The closed-format questionaire used in this study was administered to 183 nurses enrolled in the public health centers in Taipei City, 1991. After the statistical analysis, the important findings are as follows:1. Most public health nurses have intention of promoting health promotion activities. Those who below 35 years old or have educational experience got higher score on intention.2. About the educationl demand of health promotion, 95.2% of the public health nurses want to enjoy on-job training, especially for the stress adaptation and exercises courses.