台南市目前在市面上販賣的中式半調理食品種類約有58樣,皆陳列於超市之開放式冷藏櫃中(4-12℃)。經檢驗其中51件樣品之為生物污染情形,結果總生菌數(Total count)低於3.0×106 CFU/g者有33件(佔64.7%);含大腸桿菌屬Co-liform)有48件(佔94.1%),顯示衛生條件有待改進;含有沙門氏菌(Sal-monella)者有4件(佔7.8%);含黃金葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)者有32件(佔62.7%),且其中的15件樣品所含之金黃色葡萄球菌有毒素產生,佔被檢驗出含金黃色葡萄球菌樣品之46.9%。由以上結果顯示有訂定冷藏食品衛生標準來加強管理此類食品之必要。 From August 1993 through July 1994,fifty eight styles of Chinese ready-to-use package food were found to be stored at open refrigerators (4-12℃) and sold in supermarkets of Tainan. Fifty one samples of these food were purchased and tested for total counts, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and coliform. Total counts detected in 33 samples (64.7%) were below 3.0*106CFU/g. The Salmonella were isolated in 4 samples (7.8%). The Staphylococcus aureus in 32 samples (62.7%) were isolated, and among them the enterotoxin were also detected in 15 samples(46.9%) by using RPLA test. The coliform was detected in 48 samples (94.1%). From the above results, it is necessary to establish the sanitary standard of refrigerated food in order to manage these refrigerated food.