本文首先以切割式混碎機將廢棄橡膠邊料研磨製成粉末,在分別浸泡於甲乙酮、甲苯、乙醇、乙酸乙酯等四種溶劑後,混入新料中,加熱硫化成樣品,以討論回收料浸泡溶劑對加工過程及產品物性的影響,其中加工過程是以流變硫化儀測得扭力隨時間的變化。結果發現:添加經溶劑浸泡過之回收膠料會使硫化反應提早發生及提早結束、全程硫化時間縮短,但差異不大、扭力變化則以浸泡甲苯者下降最多;所得樣品之密度與硬度不變、伸張強度與伸長率則有些許下降;撕裂強度則是浸泡甲乙酮、甲苯者上升,而浸泡乙醇、乙酸乙酯者下降,以上性質改變並不因溶劑是否為碎料橡膠(氯平橡膠)之相容溶劑與否而有所區分。另由電子顯微鏡掃描照片,可看到經四種溶劑浸泡過之膠料,其等顆粒表面之結構均較為鬆弛,尤其是氯平橡膠之相容的溶劑,甲苯及酯類,但經混合硫化成樣品後,其等之表面並無差別。 The present work, the recycling rubber scraps made from the manufacture of the rubber sponages were ground by using cutting-grinder. Then, the ground powders immersed in four solvents individually were added to the fresh raw rubbers, which were vulcanized to products and investigated effects of the solvent-immersing on the vulcanization. The results were as followed.The pretreatment of the recycling rubber powder immersed in the sovents made the vulcanization starting and ending earlier and the allover vulcanizing time shorter, but all change were not much. The decreasing of the torque occurred on the sample immersed in toluene was maximum,but not over than 8%. No matter if they were immersed in solvent, all products had the same density and hardness, while decreased in the tensile strength and elongation and random in the tear strength. The change aboved were not distinguished by immersing in the solvent or nonsolvent of polychloroprene. The changes on the surface of recycling rubber powders and products were also observed by the SEM.