自民國82年11月至民國83年1月一季間自台中以南五個都市化程度較高的地區抽購即食雞肉製品如雞翅、冰醉雞、蒸茶雞、鳳爪等檢體共53件,進行金黃色葡萄球菌與總生菌數的檢驗,於全部檢體中檢出含金黃色葡萄球菌檢體1件(1.9%),此一檢體中所挑出之金黃色葡萄球菌經凝集酶試驗(Coagulase tast)之結果為正反應,但並沒有檢出腸毒素(enterotoxin)。而在總生菌數檢驗方面,全部53件檢體中有29件檢體其每克重所含總生菌數超過十萬個,不合格率為54.7%,表示檢品的衛生情況乃有待加強。 Fifty three instant cooked chicken foods such as stewed wings, ice drunk chicken, distilled tea chicken and stewed claws, were sampled in five cities which were located south to Taichung in the time of 11/1992 to 1/1993. In this reseach, the total count of microorganisms and the existence of Staphvlococcus aureus in these samples were investigated. It was found that there was only one sample which contained Staphylococcus aureus and the coagulase test indicated positive among these samples, the frequency was 1.9%, but no kind of enterotoxin was fovnd. In the aspect of total count of microorganisms, the results showed that there were 29 samples which contained at least one thousand hundred microorganisms per gram,the unqualified frequency was 54.7%, In this research, it was shown that sanitation of instant cooked chicken foods in these cities should be improved.