摘要: | 根據中華民國98年國人旅遊狀況調查,其調查結果顯示98年國人國內旅遊次數計9,799萬旅次,較97年成長1.9%,休閒觀光事業為台灣逐漸發展且具有未來發展潛力的產業之一。國家風景區為台灣觀光事業之重要資源,目前,台灣有13個國家風景區,包括「東北角暨宜蘭海岸」、「東部海岸」、「澎湖」、「大鵬灣」、「花東縱谷」、「馬祖」、「日月潭」、「參山」、「阿里山」、「茂林」、「北海岸及觀音山」、「雲嘉南濱海」及「西拉雅」。本研究主要目的為了解國家風景區遊客停留時間與整體評價,採用交通部觀光局「97年國家風景區遊客調查報告」之調查樣本為實證資料。藉由遊客停留時間之長短,可了解風景區原來設定之建議停留時間與遊客實際感受之差異,而了解風景區各個滿意度項目與整體評價之關係,亦可作為各風景區未來進行改善之參考。
本研究實證模型採用次序次序羅吉特模型,針對遊客停留時間與整體評價進行模型建構。研究結果發現遊客在各風景區停留時間之主要影響因素為服務人員之服務態度與景點內服務設施,其次為景點內辦理的活動;遊客在各風景區整體評價之主要影響因素為環境美化綠化與環境整潔,其次為服務人員之服務態度。 According to the 2009 survey of travel by R.O.C. citizens, the total number of people who had took a trip in 2009 was about 97 millions, which was higher than 2008, and the growth rate was 1.9%. This implies the recreation and tourism industry is gradually developing in Taiwan. National Scenic Areas are the important resources of Taiwan, and now there are 13 national scenic areas including Northeast and Yilan Coast, East Coast, Penghu, Dapeng Bay, East Rift Valley, Matsu, Sun Moon Lake, Tri-mountain, Alishan, Maolin, North Coast and Guanyinshan, Southwest Coast and Siraya. The purpose of this study is to investigate the length of stay and overall evaluation of each National Scenic Area. Our data was retrieved from 2009 survey of travel by R.O.C. citizens. From the length of stay, we could understand the difference between the staying length of suggestion and the real staying length. Besides, from the relationship between the items of satisfaction and overall evaluation, we could provide the improvement references for each National Scenic Area in Taiwan.
This study employs the order logit model to do the empirical research of the length of stay and overall evaluation. Our result shows that the main factors that influence the length of stay include the service attitude of the servant and the service facilities. Besides, the main factors that influence the overall evaluation are landscaping and environment cleaning. |