台南公園設立於日據時代,屬舊式公園,與多數公園相同,並沒有將公園內部的空間規劃動線的適宜性及安全性給考量進去,使得公園內部空間過於混亂,導致民眾在公園的使用上,常有方向迷失或是安全顧慮,成為民眾常有的空間經驗。本研究利用空間型構分析(Space Syntax)方法求得台南公園動線設計邏輯,並利用GIS(ArcGIS 9.2)為輔助工具進行分析與展示,最後利用問卷調查及實地調查方式來進行研究,透過整個研究的進行,辦識出台南公園空間動線組構邏輯與民眾實際使用狀況關聯性,同時找出原設計空間型態配置不合理性及可能犯罪空間。
最後研究發現,空間型構分析與公園動線是有著相互的關係,分析出便捷度較差的動線,多位在大環湖道路、小環湖道路、燕湖橋、造景花園道路、兒童遊戲區道路上,而在公園動線安全方面,共有十一條動線,分別在兒童遊樂區及造景道路上,屬於較危險的公園路段。本研究所得公園便捷較低及易引起犯罪動線後,進一步以客觀、合理為原則,提出該公園之路線修正方案,供園方人員及相關業界、學界之參考。 Established during the Japanese colonial period, like most parks, the age-old Tainan Park did not take a congruous circulation planning into count. That results in a disorganized space, thereby often confusing most visitors and hence disorientation or security concern becomes a
common sense experience among visitors.
The research uses Space Syntax to examine the design logic of circulation in Tainan Park and ArcGIS 9.2 to analyze and display the contents. Then we use Questionnaire Survey and Field Survey to analyze the contents. Through the research, we identify the relationship between the spatial logic of space circulation in Tainan Park and visitors’ usage; meanwhile we find the improper arrangement of its original design and possible crime space.
In the research, we find that there is a relationship between the park circulation and Space Syntax, which analyzes that worse circulations are on Large Ring Lake Road、Small Ring Lake Road、Swallow Lake Bridge、Landscape Garden Road and paths of Children's play area and 11 dangerous circulations are on paths ofChildren's play area and Landscape
Road. After we find these less inconvenient and dangerous circulations, we propose revised proposals with objective and reasonable principles as reference for park staffs and related researchers.