根據先前研究指出耐輻射奇異球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans)在生長期時加入二價錳離子會誘導其二次生長,並將其效應稱為Mn-induced Cell Division (Mn-CD),特別的是此效應是其它二價金屬離子所無法誘導生成的 。而誘導後之新生細胞研究發現與一些抗氧化酵素有相關性,例如超氧離子歧化酶(superoxide dismutase)及觸酶(catalase)的活性則有增加的情形。在本研究中,除了要證實之前學者的研究結果之外,將研究的目的著重於添加中草藥-四逆湯和單方甘草、乾薑、附子於培養中其是否亦能促進耐輻射奇異球菌之生長,進而比較蛋白質表現量和未添加前有無差異性。本實驗方法是利用MTT分析看其細胞存活率和細胞中ATP的含量,進而利用二維膠體蛋白質電泳(2-D Gel Electrophoresis)和基質輔助雷射脫附游離質譜儀(Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry;MALDI/MS)來分析耐輻射奇異球菌在有無中草藥的培養下,其菌體表現出的蛋白質種類與數量的差異。實驗結果發現當添加與中草藥進行培養時,有多個蛋白質表現量增加,也能誘導出一些在未添加的控制組中所沒有的蛋白質。 It was previously demonstrated that Deinococcus radiodurans treated with manganese (Mn) II during its cell cycle showed further cell division, which is termed Mn-induced Cell Division (Mn-CD). This type of cell division cannot be induced by other types of divalent metal ions and is associated with the increased activities of certain antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase and catalase. The present study investigated the effects of the traditional Chinese medicine Si ni tang and its individual ingredients (Licorice、Ginger、Fuzi) on the cell growth and the proteome of Deinococcus radiodurans. After treatment, the bacteria were analysed for cell viability via the MTT reduction assay and the measurement of intracellular ATP level. This was followed by studying the changes in the protein expression in those bacteria via the 2-D gel electrophoresis and the Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI/MS). The results demonstrated the up-regulation and/or expression of several proteins in the Chinese herbal medicine-treated bacteria when compared to the control.