以玻璃筒法檢測含普亞列寧、賜百寧、拜富寧、美特寧、異亞列寧等五種除蟲菊劑液體電蚊香、電蚊香對感性品系(NS)、台南關廟 (KM)、高雄苓雅(LY)及高雄苓雅抗百滅寧(LYPR)四個品系埃及斑蚊雌成蟲的藥效。對供試昆蟲的半數擊昏時間(KT50)均呈現NS品系的值最小,其他依序為關廟品系、高雄苓雅品系及高雄苓雅抗百滅寧品系。各種供試藥劑對所有供試品系昆蟲的致死率不同。
偵測與抗擊昏相關的鈉離子通道蛋白胺基酸序列突變情形,在domain II S6核苷酸序列第600位置突變分析結果,NS的序列為AAA,LY的序列為AAG,皆轉譯出離胺酸。在第663位置的突變分析結果,NS序列為TTA,LY的序列為TTG,皆轉譯出白胺酸,在第2622的突變分析結果,NS的序列為GGA,LY的序列為GGG,皆轉譯出離胺酸,這三個突變皆屬於靜默突變。
抽取埃及斑蚊的Genomic DNA,經選殖生產後進行定序,再利用GeneDoc進行序列比對,發現高雄苓雅品系存在V1023G及D1794Y兩個突變點,1122位置則不具點突變的情形。V1023G 的突變點是核苷酸由GTA突變成GGA,轉譯的胺基酸由纈胺酸突變成甘胺酸。D1794Y 的突變點是核苷酸由GAC突變成TAC,轉譯的胺基酸由天門冬胺酸突變成酪胺酸。
由V1023G及D1794Y的突變點,設計TaqMan probe進行real-time PCR,偵測NS、台南關廟、高雄苓雅及苓雅抗百滅寧等四個品系抗擊昏基因的頻率,此抗擊昏基因的頻率與埃及斑蚊對除蟲菊劑的抗擊昏作用呈明顯正相關。
進行各供試品系的解毒酵素,包括酯酶、榖胱苷肽轉移酶及單加氧酶等酵素活性,探討埃及斑蚊對殺蟲劑的抗性機制,經SPSS皮爾森相關性分析,單加氧酶、α酯酶、及β酯酶的酵素活性吸光值與供試藥劑對埃及斑蚊的致死率呈顯著性負相關,此三種解毒酵素與埃及斑蚊對除蟲菊劑液體電蚊香及電蚊香的藥劑忍受性具有明顯關係。 Bioassay were carried out the cylinder test to evaluate the efficiency of electric mosquito liquid vaporizer of Prallethrin, Esbiothrin, Transfluthrin, Metofluthrin and d-Allethrin to NS, KM, LY and LYPR strains of Aedes aegypti in southern Taiwan. In knockdown experiments, the KT50 of NS strain were significant shorter than the other strains and the KT50 of LYPR strain were significant longer than the other strains. The mortality rates of various strains in each electric mosquito liquid vaporizer were different.
Part of the S6 hydrophobic segment of domain II of the voltage-gated channel gene was obtained from NS and LY strains. Three silent polymorphisms were identified at positions, 600(A/G), 663(A/G) and 2622(A/G). These silent polymorphisms corresponded to a codon encoding lysine, leucine and glycine.
The genomic DNA sequence of NS and LY strains of Aedes aegypti were compared to ensure the presence of two amino acid substutions. Our results showed that the two amino acid substation mutations of LY strain were V1023G and D1794Y. The two voltage-gated sodium channel mutations, V1023G and D1794Y, were selected for primer/probe design to carry out the TaqMan assay. The new high-throughput assay was sensitive to detect the mutations associated with insecticide resistance for resistance management strategies.
Microplate assays were survey to measure levels of insensitive acetylcholinesterase, glutathione-S-transferase, α-esterase, β-esterase and monooxygenase activity to assess the insecticide resistance mechanism.