本研究主要是以無乳化劑乳化聚合反應(Soapless Emulsion
Polymerization)分別製備合成同時兼具有溫度感應及pH感應的core/shell Poly(Methyl methacrylate-Methylacrylic acid)/Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide-
Methylacrylic acid) [Poly(MMA-MAA)/Poly(NIPAAm-MAA)]實心複合乳膠顆粒以及空心乳膠顆粒,並利用此乳膠顆粒NIPAAm結構上的-CONH-官能基與奈米金粒子(Nano Gold Particles) (Au NP)反應,將Au NP吸附接合在乳膠顆粒表面上;此外並將奈米金包覆在實心和空心乳膠顆粒內部,並藉由穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)分別觀察實心和空心乳膠顆粒包覆奈米金的型態結構。另外,在合成奈米金粒子(Au NP)的過程中,改變不同的反應溫度、攪拌方式以及進料組成比例等因素,探討各種因素對Au NP粒徑大小的影響。
接著,以水溶性的美白成份Arbutin載入到空心乳膠顆粒中並進行藥物釋放研究,觀察在不同條件下的載藥情況,並觀察載入後在不同條件下的藥物釋控情形。 In this study, the dense Poly(Methyl methacrylate-Methylacrylic acid)/
Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide-Methylacrylic acid)
[Poly(MMA-MAA)/Poly(NIPAAm-MAA)] core-shell latex particles were synthesized by the method of sopaless seeded emulsion polymerization. Then the core shell latex particles were treated by the ammonia to form the Poly(NIPAAm-MAA) hollow latex. The gold nanoparticles (Au NP) were produced by the method of condensation, and then were adsorbed on the surface of Poly(MMA-MAA)/Poly(NIPAAm-MAA) latex particles and hollow Poly(NIPAAm-MAA) latex particles to form the polymer/Au composite particles. These composite particles were used as carriers to load with Arbutin. The behavior of control release of polymer carriers was investigated. Besides, the Au NP was wrapped in the dense Poly(MMA-MAA)/Poly(NIPAAm-MAA) latex particles and hollow Poly(NIPAAm-MAA) latex particles respectively to form the polymer/Au composite particles. The morphologies and properties of the composite particles were investigated