為瞭解市售修正液使用情形及可能造成之人體健康危害,本研究除蒐集常見市售之修正液品牌,照相整理建檔外,並針對台南縣市、高雄縣市之公司行號加以抽樣,利用郵寄及親自訪視兩種方式進行問卷調查,共發問卷200份,實際有效問卷173份,回收率86.5%。由調查結果得知(1)市售修正液常見之品牌種類約有16種以上及調查對象選購修正液之原則;(2)調查對象使用修正液之頻率以2-5次/天最多及個人習慣等現況;(3)調查對象在使用修正液後,可能引起的健康危害自我知覺症狀(自覺症狀)包括呼吸道黏膜有刺激感,呼吸略感不順等現象。 For the purpose of understanding the used consequence of white-out (correction pen) that sold in the marketplace and the possibility of market-sold white-out hazard the human bodies, we adopted several ways to develop this research. Besides collecting many different brands of market-sold white-out and building files out of the white-out photographs, we also used mailing surveys and visiting door to door two different ways in Tainan and Kaochung to proceed this rsearch.Two hundred questionnaires were given out, one hvndred and seventy-three questionnaires were returned. The recovery rate of surveys were 86.5 per cent.According to the feedback of the surveys, we concluded the following list, 1. The brands of market-sold white-out; the standards the research subjects set for marketable white-out. 2. The used frequency of white-out; the research subjects' personal habituation of using white-out. 3. The different kinds of health self-conscious symptoms that caused by the research subjects used,white-out.