陽極剝除伏特安培法是微量金屬離子分析法中最靈敏的方法之一,然而,傳統的陽極剝除伏特安培法是在固定的電化學反應槽中進行,因此,在每次更換待測樣品溶液時,必須先清洗、拭乾反應槽及電極,並在加入新樣品溶液後,另需要5到10分鐘的溶液去氧操作時間,不但繁瑣、費時、費力,更易導入人為誤差。倘若將其與流動注入分析系統結合,即可省去前述去氧、清洗及拭乾等步驟,再配合自動化的操作即可成為一快速、準確、靈敏及簡便的分析方法。本實驗使用個人電腦經A/D、D/V及I/O介面卡的轉換控制,用於產生陽極剝除伏特安培法分析時所需要的蓄積電位、掃描電位波形以及取得分析信號數據,並且做整個操作流程的控制,使流動注入式陽極剝除伏特安培法分析達到自動化的目的。 Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) is one of the most sensitive methods for trace metal analysis. However,ASV requires both samples deoxygenated and electlctrodes cleaned when samples are changed. These are inconvenient and time consuming. As combined with a now injecon analysis (FIA) system, and automated in the operation of the combined system, those requirements can be elimioated. In this expriment, automated in operation of FIA-ASV was achieved by coupling PC with this system. The applied potential waveform, switch valve control and data acquisition can be generated or controlled by A/D, D/A and I/O interface cards, respectively. The design and operation of this automated FIA-ASV were studied.