本研究目的乃試圖找出衡量區域醫院組織氣候的構面及探討組織氣候與績效的關係。本研究工具有組織氣候量表與績效量表兩部分。組織氣候量表是依據Litwin和Stringer(1968)所發展出衡量組織氣候的問卷為基礎,再依據醫院實際狀況稍作修改;績效量表是經由完現探討(Steer 1975),共整理出病人滿意(內容包括病人的滿意程度、門診人數的成長程度和住院人數的成長程度)及員工滿意(內容包括獲利程度及全院員工離職的程度)兩項構面以評估組織績效。以郵寄方式蒐集資料,採用SPSS/PC+套裝軟體進行資料分析。 The dimensions of organization climate and the relationship between organizational climate and organizational performance were examined in 220 managers from 44 regional hospitals in Taiwan area. This study collected data using questionnaire which measured the hospital climate and performance. In terms of hospital climate, the items from Litwin and Stringer climate questionnaire (1968) were modified to adapt the hospital environment in Taiwan. The performance measurement included patient's satisfaction and employee's satisfaction.