Milfish(Chanos chanos)from aquaculture ponds near Er-Jen River,one of the most polluted water system in Taiwan,were sampled to determin mental contents in tissues.We found zinc and copper in these fish were not that different form the fish from a reference pond. Other metals in milkfish, such as Ni, Cd, and Pb, were mostly not detected. We also analyzed tilapias (Tilapia sp.) from another pond. Metals in this species had higher contents than milknsh from ei1er the investigated or the reference pond. Further researches are needed to gather more information, especially in increases in sample sizes, selection of sampling location, and implementation of the QA/QC program in our analytical procedure. 二仁溪是屬於污染相當嚴重之河川之一。從早期綠牡蠣事件,到之去年底泥及生物體檢測出戴奧辛,二仁溪無疑的是以污染而聞名全省。在二仁溪沿岸,雖然相關單位已嚴格管理當地之金屬回收業已防止污染,但目前蓉可發現非法業者之氯天焚化及酸洗作業。除此之外,此區亦有不少養殖魚塭,有些漁塭即位於上述之熔鍊場旁。因此,漁塭中養殖之水產,極有可能因熔鍊作業產生之污染物(如金屬等)而受到污染。為確定此可能性,我們選取鄰近有金屬熔鍊場之漁塭,共四處為採樣點;另取台南縣北門鄉附近之一處漁塭作為參考點。其中每點抓3~6尾魚(共計24樣本數,包含19尾虱目魚及5尾吳郭魚)以測定其體內五種金屬(鉛、鎘、鋅、鎘、鎳)之含量。初步結果顯示其中一魚塭之虱目魚體內有較高(如與參考點比較)的銅( 1.51~3.87 ug/g乾重) 、鉛( 0.07~1.59 ug/g乾重) 、鎘(未測得~O.10 ug/g乾重),但較晚之一次同點採集,魚體中金屬含量卻無偏高現象。其他魚塭中之虱目魚體內金屬含量則與參考點之魚體相近。另外,一魚塭中吳郭魚醴內之鋅( 50.25~61.26 ug/g乾塞) 、銅( 2.14~2.64 ug/g乾重),及鉛(未測得一2.88 ug/g乾重)皆比參考點之虱目魚高(鎘與鎳未測)。更進一步之調查及增加樣本數仍有必要。