Two different batches of alginate-polylysine based microcapsules with high and low viscosity alginates were prepared to examine the effect of alginate viscosity on molecular weight cut-off of the microcapsules. By using a series of fluorescein isothiocyanate labelled dextrans (FITC-de-xtrans) with molecular wieghts ranging from 4,000 to 150,000 as the model solutes, the molecular weight cut-offs of the two batches of microcapsules were determined to be less than 4,000. The results indicate that alginate viscosity does not have a significant effect on the molecular weight cut-off alginate-polylysine based microcapsules. 本研究分別以高黏度藻酸及低黏度藻酸製成兩批不同之落酸一聚離胺酸微膠囊,來評估藻酸黏度對藻酸一聚離胺酸微膠囊分子量阻斷值之影響。在實驗方法中藉由一系列分子量4,000到150,000的FITC標記之聚葡萄糖( FITC一聚葡萄糖)為模式溶質,分別對高、低黏度之藻酸一聚離胺酸微膠囊進行滲透。結果顯示,上述兩種微囊之分子量阻斷值均小於4,000。由此可知,藻酸原料之黏度對藻酸一聚離肢酸微膠囊分子量阻斷值直並無顯著之影響。