Striped bass larvae (Morone saxatilis) were fed a basal diet containing two protein substitutes (herring hydrolysate and dogfish hydrolysate) instead of krill meal for the evaluation of growth and survival during a 28-day feeding trial. The live Artemia nauplii diet fed to the larvae had the best perfonnance for growth and survival in these feeding trials. Sunival of the larvae was satisfactory for the herring hydrolysate (28.O%) compared to the basal diet (19.0%). 兩種蛋白質(鯡魚水解蛋白與角鯊水解蛋白)替換基本餌料之磷蝦粉末蛋白,然後餵食幼條紋鱸28天,以評估其生長與存活率。以活豐年蝦餌料餵食之試驗組,得到幼條紋鱸最佳之生長與存活。以鯡魚水解蛋白替換之餌料餵食所得存活率結果28.0%,比磷蝦粉末蛋白基本餌料餵食存活率結果19.0%有更佳之滿意度。