This paper first addresses the significance of teaching Chiness students the use of focus in English oral communication and discusses the reasons why many Chinese students fall to show focus in their English speech. Then a two-stage procedure, based on the communlcative approach,which involves students in recognizing and practlcing the use of focus in oral communication is presented. This procedure starts from exploring the forms and meanings of focus in English,moving to communicative functions. More specifically, in the first stage, the salient physical features of focus and then the relationship between focus and meaning in communication are examined; in the second stage, a number of activities related to communfcatlve functions are provided for students to use focus in contexts, so that students get a chance to apply what they have learned from the first stage. It is hoped that familiarizing students with focus will, therefore, not only offer them the necessary basis, but also enhance their sensitivity to the use of focus in oral communication. 本文從英語語意焦點教學對於中國學生的重要性談起,並探討為何中國學生在英語口語溝通中,無法表現語意焦點的原因。接著從溝通式教學角度,設計兩階段的教學活動,來幫助學生了解及練習語意焦點在英語口語溝通中的重要性。在第一階段,讓學生了解英語語意焦點在發音及意義表達上的特色;在第二階段,則讓學生實際將語意焦點運用於英語會話練習活動,並透過此類練習了解語意焦點在溝通上的不同功能。本文希望藉此溝通式的教學活動,能幫助學生確實將語意焦點運用於實際英語溝通情況,以達到更清楚及有效的溝通目標。