本研究的目的在於瞭解目前台灣地區醫院醫療事業廢棄物的處理現況。研究發現,大部分的醫院均有固定的管理單位(總務室居多)。對於感染性廢棄物,大多數的醫院都先加以消毒後再做中間處理,這樣就可以降低工作人員工作時的意外傷害。至於處理醫療廢棄物的方式多採用焚化或焚化後掩埋的最佳處理方式。所參加的處理體系也以政府所輔導的聯合、共同處理體系或代處理業為主。未來可能參加的處理體系也以上述三種為主,以符合環保法令的規定。此外,醫院願意付出處理事業廢棄物的成本,則是明顯的可燃性事業廢棄物的金額大於不可燃性事業廢棄物的金額。 By regulations, combustible inlectious medical wastes must be incinerated; and incombustible ones, sterilized before transportatlon. Most of the hospitals treat the medical wastes by the depatment of general affairs and they pay more money for combustible intectious medical wastes reather than incombustible ones. In our study, we found most of the hospitals treat the medical wastes by incineration or santiary land. filled after inclneration. Hospitals will attend the common incinerating facillties for medical wastes by medical care region with the support of the regional medical network coordinatlon committees or the public hospitals for the common disposal of the second category wastes in the region to treat the medical wastes. In our conclusion, we suggest that the EPA add the amount of the public or the private hospi-tals for the common disposal of the second category wastes in the region to treat the medical wastes, and to reduce the cost of the treatment of the medical waste for hospitals.