本研究利用階梯入料方式操作回分批式活性污泥程序,處理含高濃度碳、氮、磷之合成廢水,並探討其去除有機物、脫氮、除磷之效能,以期提供SBR處理技術多樣化的操作選擇。所謂階梯入料操作方式,係在每個SBR操作循環中將廢水分為三個階段入料,並於每階段中進行攪拌不曝氣/曝氣的間歇曝氣操作,以形成缺氧及好氧的環境,並且只當攪拌不曝氣時才進行入料。本文以三組階梯入料操作試驗及一控制組試驗(採開始一次入料方式)進行廢水處理長期操作,並探討階梯入料操作對回分批式活性污泥程序同時脫氮除磷之影響。實驗結果顯示,三組階梯入料試驗之總氮去除效率均能達70%以上,明顯高於控制組的46%。由硝化及脫硝效能的評估可證實採階梯入料操作方式,可有效地提供廢水本身的有機物,作為脫硝作用所需的碳源,因而提升脫硝效能,並可能因脫硝所伴隨產生的鹼度回復效應,而對系統硝化能力有所促進。改變總曝氣時間比,對各組階梯入料試驗之硝化及脫硝效能有顯著的影響,但是對於除磷效率影響較小。除磷效率主要受污泥停留時間的影響。 A step-feed operation strategy was employed to enhance the performance of biological nutrient removal (BNR) of the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) activated sludge process for the treatment of high strength wastewater containing nitrogen and phosphorous. In this operation strategy of SBR, three react stages was used in each cycle. Each stage includes a non-aeration mixing period and followed by an aeration period. After 3-stage operation, a settling period, a drain period, and idleness period were followed to complete a cycle. Addltionally, the feed was separately fed to the reactor at the beginning of each three non-aeration mixing periods. The object of this operating strategy is to create alternating anoxic-anacerobic-aerobic condtions for BNR and to provide the organic material in wastewater as carbon source for denitrification and phosphorus release. Thls step-fed operation can also prevent the oxygenation of organics in wastewater during aeration period. Three various experiments with step-feed mode and one control experiment with intial-complete feed were run to examint the influence of step-feed operation on the BNR performance in a sequencing batch reactor with activated sludge. The successful results in this study offer an effective and alternative method for operating a SBR to enhance BNR in wastewater.