本研究選擇數種本土型水生植物(如:香蒲、竹葉菜、空心菜、香附、水芙蓉、球花嵩草等),植種於實驗室規模的表面流動型(bench scale surface flow)人工溼地,以批式(batch)操作處理人工合成污水,並探討這些挺水性及浮水性植物對水中磷酸鹽的去除能力。人工溼地每週重複一個批式進行合成污水之處理,持續約四個月的操作後,水生植物(除了香附發生病蟲害之外)生長狀況良好且繁衍增殖,磷酸鹽去除率均可達90%以上,顯示水生植物對於污水中磷酸鹽具有明顯且穩定的去除能力。在連續鹽測試驗中,各種植物對於合成汙水中的磷酸鹽(起始濃度約12mg/l),約在三至四天即可達穩定的去除效果,去除率分別為:香蒲100%、竹葉菜98.6%、空心菜98.8%、香附86.8%、水芙蓉97.7%、球花蒿草96.8%。因此未來將逐步增加污水中磷酸鹽的濃度,以繼續探討人工濕地中水生植物對污水處理的實際功能。 This researtch is using a bench scale surface flow constructed wetlands with batch operation to study phosphate removal from manmade polluted river water by macrophytes (Typha orientalispresl, Commelina communis L., Lpomoea reptans, Cyperus rotundus L., Pistia stratiotes L., Lemnaperpusilla torr). The wetlands were changed wastewater once a week and repeated the procedures for about four months. It was found that the macrophytes, except Cyperus rotundus L. which was infected with insects, grew very well. The average phosphate removal could be reached above 90% which showed that those macrophytes had sufficient and stable abilities in removing phosphorus from wastewater. The result of continuous monitoring tests indicates that phosphate removal accompllished within 3 to 4 days from the manmade polluted water with an initiate phosphate concentration about 12 mg/l. The removal efficiencies of each macrophytes are: Typha orientails pres: 100%; Commelina communis L.: 98.6%; Lpomoea reptans: 98.8% Cyperus rotundus L.: 86.8%; Pistia stratiotes L.: 97.7%; Lemna perpusilla torr: 96.8%. The future study will focus on increasing the concentration of phosphate in wastewater in order to study the treating capacity of wastewater by constructed wetlands with macrophytes.