隨網際網路之世界化,不同語言之電子地圖可提供不同國家人民瀏覽,本研究嘗試利用網際網路地理資訊系統,建置一套多語言之電子地圖瀏覽系統,結合Java及各網路語言使得不同語系之電子地圖可自由切換及放大縮小,此經驗可提供於休閒旅遊之電子地圖建置參考。 As the internet became worldwide, the E-maps of different languages allowed people from different countries to browse. This research tries to utilize the internet GIS to establish the multiple the Multiple Language E-Map browsing system. By combining the JAVA and network language, the E-Map with different languages could be freely switched magnified and narrowed. This experience could provide the reference of building the E-Map of leisure travel.