利用水準儀實施直接高程測量(即一般水準測量)為確定兩點間高差的基本方法,也是目前最精密的高程測量方法,舉凡國家高程控制網的設置或一般工程測量中的高程放樣等,皆以此方法為之。惟水準測量若於地形條件不佳或通視障礙嚴重之地區,則因受限於觀測環境條件不良,如山區或坡地,造成轉點多,作業速度慢,無法有效提升其成果精度和成本效益低。有鑑於此,有些學者便藉著全測站儀(TotalStation)能同時測量高精度垂直角和距離之優點,進行以EDM三角高程代替部分等級水準的研究。 三、四等水準測量規範為一般工程建設、城市建設最常引用的高程測量標準,若能以EDM三角高程測量方式取代一般水準測量,對於地形變化大,山地、丘陵佔總面積三分之二的台灣地區,將有助於高程測量作業效率的提升。 隨著全測站儀的快速發展和普及,提高了觀測垂直角及距離的量測精度,若加上適當的觀測方法及誤差改正,使得EDM三角高程測量應可以達到三、四等水準測量約精度。而台灣目前亦尚未針對三角高程測量訂定測量精度規範,因此本研究將進行EDM三角高程測量方法的實地試驗,研究分析EDM三角高程代替等級(三等水準)水準的可能性,並提出其作業方式和精度的規範。 Diffrerntial leveling has been used for the determination of accurate height gor many years. The applicstion of this technique is difficult, time consuming and expensive especially in rough terrain. The development of total stations has led to an investigation of edm trigonometric leveling as alternate technique to conventional differential leveling. In this study we discuss both theoretical aspects, such as limit of errors and accuracy and practical results in trigonomeyric leveling approach, such as unidirectional, reciprocal and leap-fog method. A 2km tast area was set up with 200m interval bench marks. Using SOKKIASET 330R Total Station instrument, the leap-forg method for 600 meter sight distance resulted in s standard deviation of 3rd order accuracy.