現今文化資產保存的執行策略,已由昔日的「凍結式保存,態度進展為「歷史性環境」永續經營。當「古蹟保存」工作由建築單體延伸至社區群體「歷史性環境再造」,成為都市發展政策的一環時,則與被稱為「城市推土機」的都市更新事業迭有衝突,往往視為窳陋地區全面更新,原有社經先期調查流於形式,拆除重建片羽不留,使歷史性空間紋理層次及文化資產無法累積,此一過程過於簡化而無法達成都市「生活空間再發展」。 在都市發展中,保存維護與拆除更新應是自然的新陳代謝現象,故目前搶指定「文化資產保存」及搶拆除「窳陋地區更新」的僵局現象,除理性的價值討論外,亦需一整合「多元複雜因子」的交流平台,輔助「大量整合資訊」的規劃過程,以獲致「最適化操作選擇」或「最佳化替代方案」的平衡決策,而透過整合地理資訊系統(GIS)在處理區域規劃多重因子的分析層疊,使歷史保存研究資料於先期開發計畫中呈現,將增益「保存」與「更新」規劃作業的界面整合。 The preservation of cultural property has developed from portecting pieces of classic art to maintaining a whole historic city area. Tis kund of work is concerned about urban development policy, and often collided by urban renew business. Because the existing urban renew work often disregards original society, esonomics, and bionomics conditions, then, to demolish everything in old town space. Althpugh, this is nature to maintain or rebuild constructions in urban development, but it is mush more complicated issue in historic city area, because there are many different factors(like classic architecture protect, antique land use, compatible urban design, pedestrian traffic, etc.)need to cogitate. And the application of Geogeaphic Infoemation System con provide an integrated information platform to support planning.