資訊科技的大幅進步,對於人類文明的紀錄與傳播也進而發展轉向數位化的技術。而數位典藏的概念開拓了人類積存知識與資訊的新視界,也開創了文明訊息溝通交流的新看法;所以世界各國無不致力於發展文化的數位化。而國科會「數位典藏國家型科技計畫」即是我國此項目標的實現規劃;在第二期的規劃計畫中更希望學界與產業界加入此國家的重要計畫,加速數位經濟與社會的實現。本研究根據這樣的想法,提出並說明一個在數位典藏加值應用中,產官學的CAE (Creativity-Administration-Execution)合作構想模式雛型,希望可以結合產官學三方面的能量,建構三贏的合作願景。期待這樣的合作概念能夠提供產業界進行數位典藏的思考方向與整體的進行模式與架構,並從而將產業的文化資產轉化成有形的數位資產,增加更多的數位利基與前景。 In the information digitization era, the human culture, history records and information communication were digitized by computer informatiom technologies. Therefore the digitization of national culture was performed increasingly in the world. In this study, the Prototype of CAE (Creativity-Administratration-Execution) alliance model was proposed for value-added application program of digital archives among government, enterprise and higher educations. The concept of this model was wished-for gettinf the three-wins with combining the strength of government, enterprise and higher educations. By this alliance and cooperation, the concrete cultural property can be transferred into abstract digital property. Furthermore, the digital niche can be a quired and the visions of digital community can be catch.