白於IGS組織對所提供之衛星星曆與鐘差改正精度,已大幅提升,現在之星曆誤差巳小於5公分、鐘差小於O.lns,即使是推估精度星曆誤差亦小於10公分、鐘差小於5ns,因此對於需高精度星曆之精密單點定位,有相當助益。由於單點定位僅需一部衛星接收儀,即可濩得絕對位置,不若相對定位需同時若干部一起作業,減少工作負擔,而且所獲精度若不輸於相對定位精度,則將來之應用空間更廣。 The International GNSS Service (IGS) has been providing the most precise satellite ephemeris and clock correction (ephemeris error < 5cm, clock error <.0.1ns). Even the accuracy of the predicted ephemeris and clock data (ephemeris error < 10cm, clock error < 5ns) from IGS in real time are improved dramatically. It has the benefit for increasing the accuracy of precise point positioning (PPP). The success of this technique will provide a more flexible operation for precise positioning.