台灣是一個海洋國家,不過中小學生卻有近半數不會游泳,學生溺斃事故頻傳。因此教育部決定從96年起,分三年補助國中小興建游泳池,並將游泳能力指標列入課綱藉以改善學生游泳能力不足的問題。 然而在政府財政日益拮据,學校游泳池設施的經營將面臨人力短缺與經費不足的困境。因此,學校游泳池設施委外經營必然成為未來經營的趨勢。 本研究調查發現:國民小學游泳池辦理委外經營已簽約者共11間;每年可節省政府公帑約2200萬元,各校游泳池與校園區隔情形,對於校園安全及清潔維護、學生生活管理皆會造成影響。 Taiwan is surrounded by the ocean but about half of the elementary and junior high students are unable to swim. The accidents of drowning keep happening. Therefore, the Ministry of Education sets up a three-year plan to subsidize elementary and junior high schools to build swimming pools, and will put swimming skills into the curriculum guidelines to help solve the problem. Due to the worsening of government’s financial problems, the management of the school swimming pools will face the obstacle of lacking the manpower and subsidies. Thus, the school swimming pools managed by the private institutions will become a trend. The results of the study found that there were 11 schools whose swimming pools were managed by the private institutions, saving 22 million dollars a year for the government. Besides, the separation of the swimming pools and the campuses helped to improve the problems of campus safety, cleanness and students’ discipline.