本研究旨在探討影響醫院衛材聯合採購決標價之影響因素。資料來源為某醫學中心2000年至2006年衛材聯合招標品項與不良次數資料檔,擷取有5年以上之決標資料之品項為研究樣品。並以廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equation, GEE)建立投標家數、採購數量與衛材不良次數對衛材品項決標價格之預測模式。本研究分析結果顯示採購數量負向影響決標價格,達顯著水準,而採購數量與衛材不良次數則未顯著影響決標價格。本研究結果與聯合採購「以量制價」的主張相符。 This study aimed to determine independent factors that affect the price of awarding of healthcare materials through hospital purchasing consortium. The data of the price of awarding, number of tenders, purchase quantity and defects regarding to items purchased longitudinally over 5 years in the period 2000 to 2006 were retrieved from one academic center healthcare materials database. In order to obtain more precise estimates, generalized estimating equation (GEE) was conducted. Results of GEE demonstrated that number of tenders having slightly negative related to the price of awarding of healthcare materials at the significance level, whereas associations between purchase quantity or defects and the price of awarding of healthcare materials were no significant. The findings were in accordance with the claims hospital purchasing consortium to raise volume to garner discounts on healthcare materials.