使命宣言(Mission Statement)是非營利機構重要的管理工具,引導決策方向,是組織策略的核心。醫院新制評鑑要求醫療院所必須設立宗旨、願景與目的,評鑑政策提供醫療院所一個建立或重新檢視他們使命宣言的機會。使命宣言的研究,過去主要集中在內容分析,缺乏對使命宣言形成過程的關注,然形成過程對使命宣言在組織落實程度與組織績效有直接的影響。因此,本研究運用PZB服務品質缺口模式的概念來探討使命宣言在形成與執行過程中,管理者的認知可能與內部員工以及外部顧客的期望出現落差,這些落差會影響員工對使命宣言的使用程度、顧客滿意度以及醫院業務量。
有別於過去某些研究僅使用單一主觀或客觀的組織績效指標,本研究同時以主觀(顧客滿意度)與客觀績效(業務量)做探討,以求更完整的了解使命宣言形成缺口對醫院組織績效的影響。本研究蒐集醫學中心、區域醫院與地區醫院共49家,採配對取樣,每家醫院同時發放十份員工與十份顧客問卷,以收集員工與顧客滿意度資料。另外,以健保局網站所公佈的2008年各醫院門、住診健保申報點數與件數等業務量為客觀績效。研究結果發現,使命宣言形成過程中的管理者認知缺口、品質規格缺口、服務傳遞缺口、市場溝通缺口會顯著影響內部員工對使命宣言的使用程度,缺口越小則使命宣言落實程度越高;而顧客缺口會影響醫院外部顧客的滿意度,缺口越小,顧客滿意度越高。但醫院員工使命宣言的使用程度對病患滿意度沒有影響,員工使命宣言的使用程度與病患滿意度對醫院業務量也不具有解釋力。研究結果與所討論的實務意涵可供我國醫院使命宣言形成過程與提升組織績效之參考。 Mission Statement (Mission Statement) is a non-profit organization, an important management tool, the core of organizational strategy to guide the decision-making direction. Hospital accreditation requires medical institutions to establish the purpose, vision and the accreditation provision. Medical institutions need to establish or re-examine their mission statement opportunities. Mission statement of the research, in the past focused on content analysis, which lacks of concern about the formation of the mission statement. Mission statement on the natural formation process of the degree implements in the organization has a direct impact with organizational performance. Therefore, this study uses PZB service quality to explore the concept of mission statements in the formation and implementation process. The manager's perception may be related to internal staff and external customers expect variance, which is the gap degree of use mission statements on staff, customers’ satisfaction, and hospital volume of business impact.
Unlike the past, some studies use only single subjective or objective indicators of organizational performance. This study in both subjective (customer satisfaction) and objective performance (business volume) to explore with a view to a more complete understanding of the formation of gaps in the hospital mission statement to the impact of organizational performance. This study collected medical centers, regional hospitals and local hospitals, a total of 49, using paired sampling. Each hospital was also issued 10 employees and 10 customers with questionnaires to collect information on employee and customer satisfaction. In addition, the web sites of NHI announced in 2008 of the hospital NHI Claims data of objective performance were also collected. Study found that the formation of the mission statement perception gaps in the market will significantly affect the internal staff of the mission statement of the usage. When the gap smaller, the staff of the mission statement of the usage will be higher; gap 5 affects hospital customer satisfaction of external customers. The smaller is the gap, the higher customer satisfaction. But the hospital staff degree of use mission statement and patient satisfaction has none effect on the volume of business of the hospital , as well as degree of the mission statement of the use of employees does not affect patient satisfaction. The results and discuss with theoretical and practical implications can provide the formation of hospital mission statements and enhancement of organizational performance in Taiwan.