疾病分類人工流程編碼是既繁瑣又費時的工作,編碼過程中人為疏失在所難免,為了減輕編碼人員的負擔,提高編碼的完整性與效率遂建置此編碼系統。以web-based為架構之資訊系統具有主從式模式,不限時間、地點、電腦與瀏覽器種類皆可使用,且操作界面友善簡易之特性,故本研究發展web-based疾病分類編碼電腦化編碼系統,藉以提升疾病分類編碼正確性,改善疾病分類人員工作負荷。系統查詢可以使用單一或多重關鍵字,兩者皆允許只輸入關鍵字起始字母,即可進行查詢相關正確資訊;系統將結果轉化成下拉式選單,方便使用者進行下一關鍵字之選取。本研究編碼時間測試結果人工流程編碼比本研究建置之電腦編碼長,兩組比較達到統計上顯著性差異(P<0.001),顯示本系統可有效地節省疾病分類人員編碼時間,此系統對疾病分類編碼人員之預期效益將由未來研究証實。 Manual coding of abstracted diagnoses and/or procedures after medical records review is a laborious, time-consuming and error-prone process. Computerized-assisted coding system can reduce the burden of coding with ICD classification book and enhances the quality of ICD coding. Since web-based information system has the structure with master-slave mode, not limited to time, place, type of computer and browser can be used, friendly interface and easy operation characteristics, we develop a web-based disease classification coding system in order to enhance the accuracy of ICD coding and improve the work load of the classification of diseases. Users can query right information by entering a single or multiple keywords which are allowed to enter only the initial letter keyword. Systems translate those results into a drop-down menu for users to select the next keywords easily.
We presented a demonstration of a web-based coding system for ICD to test and compare with manual coding. The results showed that coding with the help of computerized coding system developed takes less time than coding with manual process statistically significant (P<0.001). We concluded that the use of this computerized browsing and coding system by coders can reduce the time spent on coding and improve coders,task loading. This anticipated benefit of the coding system for coders will be confirmed from future research.