摘要: | 由於近代資訊科技快速發展,電機電子相關產物所造成人類健康危害和環境污染問題已逐漸浮上檯面;因此歐盟會員國為限制在電機電子設備中使用某些有害物質而訂定「電機電子設備使用某些危害物質禁限用指令」(The Restriction of The Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, RoHS),其精神是為保障人類健康、降低環境負荷及維護生態永續發展。其中規定凡自2006年7月1日起進入歐盟市場的電機電子設備產品,禁限用鎘、鉛、汞、六價鉻、多溴聯苯、多溴聯苯醚六項物質;因此如何符合RoHS的電機電子綠色產品標準,已隨著國際大廠將此規範納入供應商管理機制,而更顯得重要。
本研究使用非破壞性的X光螢光分析儀 (X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, XRF),測試9類電子零組件之結果顯示,鎘、鉛、汞平均測試值均符合RoHS標準值,總鉻平均濃度值為850.08 mg/kg,雖偏高但仍在RoHS標準值內 (1000 mg/kg);但在總溴的平均濃度值為9181.29 mg/kg,已超過RoHS標準值很多 (1000 mg/kg)。XRF測試結果與感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜儀 (Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, ICP) 測試結果比較顯示,零組件中鎘、鉛、汞重金屬元素的平均測試值,與廠商提供的ICP測試值,均符合RoHS的規範,證實XRF測試的方法是適用的。但以總鉻、總溴XRF的測試濃度因超過ICP測試結果並不具意義,僅能作為產品是否含有此兩項物質的參考。
本研究結果建議,ICP測試方式雖然準確度很高,但在測試時樣品需作前處理,耗時且檢測成本高,而檢測後製造的有機廢液將造成二次污染,增加環境之負擔。相對的使用XRF篩檢方式,在時間及經濟成本的考量下,除了可為廠商節省不少成本,再者XRF檢測方式為非破壞性之分析,符合綠色檢測及RoHS精神。期望藉由本研究,可幫助相關產業於導入歐盟的綠色環保指令時,提供一個可節省檢測成本,且能快速、有效篩檢產品符合歐盟限用有害物質指令要求的檢測方法。 The revolution of information and communication technologies has lead to the popularization of electronic devices. However, the environment and health hazard caused by variety of electronic devices have become a serious problem in the 21 century. Therefore, in order to protect human health and reduce the environmental pollution, the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) was issued by The European Union (EU) in 2002. According to the RoHS directive, all electronic devices imported into European countries should be restricted when using six hazardous substances including cadmium, lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Moreover, the concentrations of six hazardous substances in electronic devices are required to be determined in order to pass the Green Product certification. Since than, the Green Products certification for electronic devices has become an important issue for most of international electronic manufacture company.
A non-destructive method- X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) was used in this study to determine the concentration of lead, cadmium, mercury and chromium and total bromine in nine different parts of electronic devices. The results indicates that the concentration of lead, cadmium, and mercury determined by the XRF were consistent with the results from inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission spectrometry method which was provided by the manufacture company. However, the concentrations of chromium and total Bromine determined by the XRF method were significant higher than the results determined by the ICP method. The inconsistent results for the chromium and total Bromine for the XRF and ICP methods may caused by the presence of interference materials, distribution of the elements in the test samples, sample sizes, screening point and screening time.
The results from this study suggest that the XRF method can be used to determine lead, cadmium and mercury for both qualitative and quantitative purposes in electronic devices. For the determination of chromium and total bromine, the XRF method only fit for the qualitative purpose. The ICP method may provide more accurate result for all of the test elements when compared with the XRF method. However, the cost of testing time and money for the ICP method may not be accepted by most of the electronic manufactory. Moreover, the waste solvents produced from the ICP method may also cause the problem of environmental pollutant. Therefore, in order to fit the purpose of RoHS Directive, the non-destructive XRF method may be a better method than the ICP method.
Hopefully this research will be helpful to related industries in order to meet with the similar of environmental regulations. Hence, the manufacturer monitors the certification process actively to ensure product comply with the RoHS Directive by using XRF system. This study shows that the XRF analyzers can provide fast, reliable, and easy to understand results. Also it is a better way to save money compare using ICP method. |