本研究B系統潛流式單元所栽種之蘆葦因冬季泵澈嵽憐A復 長,於是對A、B系統潛流式單元植物體作元素含量分析,分析結果顯示兩系統之植物體各元素含量並無太大差異。其後因飛禽類糞便所帶來的種子造成水稗與異花莎草大量的繁殖,也解開廢輪胎填充材系統無法生長植物的疑慮。
實驗期間A、B系統潛流式單元BOD平均去除率為30.78±44.22%與34.82±26.65%,而A、B二溼地系統BOD總平均去除率分別為91.38±5.58 %與92.66±6.02%,顯示廢輪胎填充材系統之BOD去除率略優於礫石填充材系統。
A、B系統潛流式單元氨氮平均去除率分別為24.52±21.38 %與17.31±25.03 %,而二溼地系統之氨氮總平均去除率分別為43.68±19.21 %與40.51±20.71 %,廢輪胎填充材系統因冬季植物泵漸憐A重長而導致氨氮去除率下降,其後隨水稗與異花莎草的大量繁殖以及溫度漸漸升高後,去除率已逐漸上升回穩。
A、B二系統潛流式單元總磷平均去除率為8.13±7.60 %與38.72±25.98 %,而二溼地系統總磷總平均去除率為 26.25±11.29 %與53.25±20.30 %,顯示廢輪胎填充材系統優於礫石填充材系統,具有良好之去除效能。綜合本實驗研究結果,顯示將廢輪胎切片作為填充材應用於人工溼地潛流式系統具可行性,值得推廣。 This study aimed to examine the pollutant degradation of subsurface constructed wetland by wasted rubber tire chips. The experimental research was composed of A and B systems, these two systems combined free water surface flow system (FWS) and subsurface flow system (SSF) together, and cattail and reed was applied in A and B system, respectively.
The different materials were used in order to compare the ability of materials in pollutant degradation.The filled materials were gravel and wasted rubber tire chips in A and B system, respectively. At the same time, the research also investigated the availability of wasted rubber tire chips and the effect of plant element components on constructed wetland. The experimental result could be used for the design of constructed wetland.
At B system, reed in SSF died during winter and didn’t grow after that, then reed in SSF from A and B system was compared by analyzing the element component. The results showed that the different was insignificant for both systems. Reed can grow after the Aves’s feces were found in SSF. The feces of Aves species will bring seeds of Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) P. Beauv. and Cyperus difformis L. and can make them grow in SSF.
The experimental data revealed that BOD removal of SSF in A and B systems were 25.36±58.09 % and 27.89±52.45 %, respectively. However, the BOD removal of total CW system was 91.38±5.58 % for A system and 92.66±6.02 % for B system. This indicated that BOD removal by waster rubber tire chips was higher than the traditional SSF.
The ammonia-nitrogen removal in SSF for A system was 24.52±21.38 % and 17.31±25.03 % in B system. However, ammonia-nitrogen removal in total system was 43.68±19.21 % and 40.51±20.71 % in A and B system, respectively. In the system that using wasted rubber tire chips, the ammonia-nitrogen removal was low. This was because reed was died during winter and did not regrow. However, the ammonia-nitrogen removal increased because of the growth of Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) P. Beauv. and Cyperus difformis L. and the high temperature in the system
The removal of total phosphorous in SSF was 8.13±7.60 % in A system and 38.72±25.98 % in B system. For the total system, the total phosphorus removal was 26.25±11.29 % and 53.25±20.30 % in A and B system, respectively. It indicated that the wasted rubber tire chips was better than system A in the removal ability. In addition, results obtained from the study concluded that wasted rubber tire chips can be used in SSF and available for public.