本研究為主動改良拜香中所添加之成分,選取國人普遍使用之四種香粉(新山香、老山香、料香、沉香),為減少誤差乃利用機械油壓製香機以半手工方式製香,於拜香製程香粉中添加1%~30% (w/w)之CaCO3 及nano-CaCO3 ,最後比較不同添加量加入拜香後所產生之各項拜香燃煙空氣污染物物理特徵及化學特性。結果顯示添加30% 之CaCO3 及nano-CaCO3拜香於拜香燃燒特性方面,使拜香燃燒時間分別減少約34min及45min,燃燒速率則分別提昇約20%及30%;添加30% 之 CaCO3拜香於拜香燃燒排空氣污染物物理特徵及化學特性方面,使拜香燃煙中之懸浮微粒、總放多環芳香烴化合物(Total-PAHs)及總毒性當量(Total-BaPeq)排放係數分別降低約達43%、24%及25%,而添加30% 之 nano-CaCO3 拜香則分別降低約達59%、31%及31%。本研究結果可作為研發「低污染拜香」之參考,期冀降低燃燒拜香產生空氣污染物對民眾健康之影響。 This research studied to improve the ingredients of incense to be on the initiative,and select the four most commonly used Chinese powder(Shin Shan incense、Lao Shan incense、Liao incense and Chen incense ) .It used by semi-mechanical manual producing to make incense. CaCO3 and nano-CaCO3 were added form 1%~30% (w/w) in the manufacture processes for several types of incense . Incenses were burned in custom-designed combustion chambers.Combustion emissions from incense were collected and subsequently analyzed by a GC/MS for PAHs.
The results of this study shows that by adding CaCO3 to 30% , the particulate, Particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (P-PAHs) and the total BaPeq emissions were reduced 43%, 24% and 25% , respectively, during the combustion ; and by adding nano-CaCO3 to 30%, the particulate, Particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Total-PAHs) and the total BaPeq emissions were reduced 59%, 31% and 31% , respectively, during the combustion. The more additive added, the more influence got. The results of the study may help incense manufacturers to improve their materials and reduce air pollutants indoors.